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Riding the Wave of Today's Top Apps!
Welcome to ProductUpfront! Where I share the coolest apps. From apps that make your online life easier to ones that keep you safe, I've got them all.
Apps Of The Day In Category:
Database & Developer Tools.
1. Snowflake Computing
Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse allows corporate users to store and analyze data using cloud-based hardware and software.
[Category - Database]
2. Urban Airship
A market-leading mobile app engagement, mobile analytics, mobile data integration and mobile wallet marketing solution.
[Category - Developer Tools]
3. Rollbar
Rollbar provides real-time error alerting & debugging tools for developers. Ruby, Python, PHP, Node.js, JavaScript, Android, iOS & more languages supported.
[Category - Developer Tools]
4. Redash
Redash is an open source SaaS application to query your data sources, visualize the results, build dashboards and share data with your team.
[Category - Developer Tools]
5. IntakeQ
IntakeQ is a tool that sends private electronic intake forms to your clients. We are HIPAA compliant and support e-signatures.
[Category - Developer Tools]
6. Scale
Scale accelerates the development of AI applications by helping computer vision teams generate high-quality ground truth data.
[Category - Developer Tools]